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Speak Well

Speech Sound Disorder

Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) refers to any difficulty or combination of difficulties with oral perception, oral motor production, or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments. SSD would negatively affect speech intelligibility, which leads to problems in interpreting one's speech.



Common SSD Symptoms

Phoneme omission/deletion


Phoneme substitution 


Phoneme addition


Phoneme distortion/dialect


Tonal errors


Pediatric Feeding Disorder


Gross/Fine motor delay


Mouth breathing


Sensory integration issues


Poor oral awareness


Oral hypersensitivity




Anchor 1

Motor Speech Based Speech Therapy

Control in oral motor muscles directly affect our speech intelligibility. Our speech therapist would target on MUSCLES rather than phonemes, which make our speech therapy more efficient.


JAW Movement 下顎移動 Jaw controls vertical plane (上下) of movement in speech. For instance, a. From closed to open jaw 由合口到開口 (e.g. /ma1/ 媽) b. From open to closed jaw 由開口到合口 (e.g. /ap3/ 鴨) c. From closed to open to closed jaw 由合口至開口,再返回合口 (e.g. /sam1/ 衫)

LIPS Movement 嘴唇移動 Lips control horizontal plane (橫向) of movement in speech. For instance, a. Lip retraction 嘴唇向橫依嘴 (e.g. /ji6/ 二) b. Lip protrusion 嘴唇向前嘟嘴 (e.g. /jy4/ 魚) c. Lip approximation 合唇 (e.g. /jip6/ 葉) d. Lower lip individual movement 下唇獨立移動 (e.g. /fa1/ 花)

TONGUE Movement 舌頭移動 Tongue controls anterior-posterior (前後) plane of movement in speech. For instance, a. From anterior to posterior 由前去後 (e.g. /tɔ1/ 多) b. From posterior to anterior 由後去前 (e.g. /kin3/ 見)

Coordination 協調能力 While producing speech, we require to simultaneously control muscles at the SAME time 同一時間控制多於一組肌肉 in order to accurately produce a word.

Dissociation 分離獨立移動 While producing speech, we sometimes require to move muscles independently 肌肉獨立地移動, which mean moving muscle(s) while stablizing the others. For instance, a. Moving jaw when stablizing head 保持頭部穩定時移動下顎 (e.g. /sa1/ 沙) b. Moving lips when stablizing jaw 保持下顎穩定時移動嘴唇 (e.g. /jiu3/ 要) c. Moving tongue when stablizing jaw 保持下顎穩定時移動舌頭 (e.g. /min6/ 麵)

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Success Story
Anchor 2

Speak Well 說

Our Specialized Speech Therapy Program

Speech Therapy - To improve: Speech sound disorder, developmental phonological disorder, dysarthria, apraxia of speech 


Plan the Speech

In order to produce speech, many body systems have to be involved. Our brain has to send signals to request lungs to supply air, control the movement of vocal cords and execute relevant orofacial muscles to produce accurate words for communication. As coordination of different systems is very complex and require sophisticated time control, failure in this motor planning and programming would hinder us from precise speech production. 



Execute the Speech

Proper control in the movement of orofacial muscles together, generally including jaw, lips and tongue, is essential for correct speech production. Jaw as the “spine” of the articulatory subsystems plays an important role in controlling the direction and restricting the range of movement relative to the maximum possible movements observed during chewing. Lips could help achieve different phonemes by controlling the interlabial distance, for example, extending the length of the vocal tract to produce /o/ and stopping and releasing the airflow to produce /p/. Tongue has a significant effect in the overall speech intelligibility but its movement is the finest among all other articulators. By changing the position and shape of the tongue induced by intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles, the overall shape of the vocal tract would be altered, thereby the acoustic signal produced. Therefore, our speech therapist must have to systematically analyse the motor speech system.



Mean the Speech

Accurate speech production is a fundamental tool to facilitate efficient two-way communication. By combining different phonemes, meaningful words can be formulated. These semantically understandable words can be linguistically joined together, complex messages and ideas can then be conveyed for different purposes. In order to produce words accurately, our speech therapists would use specialised oral motor techniques to promote speech development and/or correct the speech errors.




Review the Speech

Self-repair imply a monitoring system to verify the correctness of an ongoing motor activity and response output, including motor speech system. It is very common in both conversation and monologues. By the phonemic awareness, phonological knowledge and feedback systems, speech errors can be spot out and encourage self-correction. Feedback systems require intact body sensations, for example, proprioception sense helps determine the positions and motions of the articulator while auditory sense facilitates hear and parse our own speech.  


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