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Ms. LEUNG Po Ning

Speech Therapist


The diversity in each of us makes a brighter world.

We rise by lifting each other. Let's embrace the growth together.


Early Speech and Language Intervention, Emotional Regulation



  • The Education University of Hong Kong - Master of Science in Educational Speech-Language Pathology and Learning Disabilities 

  • Registered in Department of Health - Register No. 註冊言語治療師編號: ST00930

Professional Development​​

Treatment for Social Communication Treatment 社交溝通治療 - PEERS Social Skills Programs - DIR Floortime

Treatment for Motor Speech Disorder 運動性言語障礙治療 - Introduction to PROMPT Technique

Treatment for Oral Motor Muscles 口部肌肉治療 - Sara-Rosenfeld Johnson's Oral Placement Therapy level 1 - Beckman Oral Motor Examination & Intervention

Sensory Integration Treatment 感覺統合治療 - M.O.R.E - Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions

Working Experience

  • Onsite Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) 到校學前康復服務

  • Mainstream Primary Schools 主流小學

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