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Feeding Disorder and Dysphagia

Feeding disorder and dysphagia can result in malnutrition, dehydration, respiration pneumonia or even death. Common causes of dysphagia include stroke, traumatic brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, head and neck cancer etc.


Swallow Easy

Dysphagia Symptoms

Gurgly Voice 


Prolonged Mealtime


Weight Loss




Food Residue


Coughing/Choking/ Throat-clearing


Regurgitation from nose/mouth


pneumonia/ Fever


Throat Obstruction


Oral Retention


Multiple Swallows


Breathing Difficulties


What is Swallowing

Swallowing is a process that involves two phases, the oral phase and the pharyngeal phase.

In the oral phase, the jaw, lips and the tongue mechanically break down the food into smaller pieces and mix them with saliva to form bolus. The bolus will then be squeezed posteriorly by the tongue to the throat. After that, the pharyngeal phase begins. The airway will be covered and the oesophagus will be lifted up. The bolus will then enter the oesophagus, marking the end of one episode of swallowing. Having difficulty in either one or both phases would be referred as dysphagia. Patients with difficulty in the oral phase may need extra time to masticate food, have food remaining in mouth after swallowing, experience leakage of food from mouth etc. Patients with difficulty in the pharyngeal phase may experience cough and choking, throat clearing and voice change etc.



5 Bodily Systems in Swallowing

Neurological System​


The bolus will provide sensory input (taste, pressure, temperature) to the brain. This input is necessary for the brain to trigger and modulate swallowing. The nerve cells in brain will integrate all the information and send signals to different muscles of swallowing. Decreased sensation, combined with decrease brain tissue and delays in the communication between nerve cells may cause delayed triggering of swallow in older adults. For example, patients with Alzheimer’s disease, who may have a degrade of nerve cells in the brain area responsible for swallow reflex and memory functioning, may experience delayed pharyngeal swallow onset, reduced lingual movement, difficulty with oral preparation of the bolus, pharyngeal clearance etc.

食團透過味覺、壓力、溫度等為大腦提供感覺輸入,從而觸發和調節吞嚥活動。大腦中的神經細胞負責整合所有信息,並將信號發送到不同的吞嚥肌肉。感覺下降,加上腦組織減少和神經細胞之間的交流延遲可能會導致老年人延遲觸發吞嚥。 例如,當阿爾茨海默病患者的大腦區域負責吞嚥反射和記憶功能的神經細胞出現退化,可能會出現吞嚥延遲、舌頭運動減少、食團形成困難、清喉嚨等。



Our therapist will review the medical history of the patient, examine the intactness of oral structures, the functionality of oral muscles (strength, range of motion and coordination). The neck of patient will also be palpated to determine any abnormalities in the pharyngeal phase. Oral trials will be performed to assess the patient’s ability of swallowing by giving the patient different consistencies of liquids and food. Any signs of swallowing difficulty will be closely monitored during the process. Moreover, the patient’s posture, cognition, protective mechanism (cough strength), voice quality, the ability to clear food residue etc. will be observed.  

治療師將回顧患者的病史,檢查口腔結構的完整性、口腔肌肉的功能(力量、運動範圍和協調性)。 患者的頸部也將被觸診以確定咽期是否有任何異常。 將進行口服試驗,通過給予患者不同稠度的液體和食物來評估患者的吞嚥能力。 在此過程中,將密切監測吞嚥困難的任何跡象。 此外,還將觀察患者的姿勢、認知、保護機制(咳嗽強度)、語音質量、清除食物殘渣的能力等。



Treatment of dysphagia will focus on the adequate nutritional intake for the patient, maximizing the patient’s quality of life and to ensure safety of  swallowing. There are mainly two directions of treatment approach, restoration and compensation.


For restoration, the goal is to help patients improve their swallowing ability. Speech therapist will utilize different swallowing exercises and oromotor exercises to help patients strengthen the muscles for swallowing. Electrical stimulation will also be used to stimulate the nerves.


For compensation, the goal is to apply techniques to compensate for the weakness of the patients.

Speech therapist may modify the diet of dysphagic patients by changing the consistency and volume of liquid, and the texture and size of meal. Some patients may need to change their posture during swallowing to ensure safety, such as chin down. Lastly, swallowing maneuvers can be applied to increase safety such as effortful swallow, which increases the pharyngeal squeeze.

吞嚥困難的治療將著重於為患者提供充足的營養攝入,最大限度地提高患者的生活質量並確保吞嚥安全。治療方法主要有兩個方向—恢復和補償。 恢復方面的目標是幫助患者提高吞嚥能力。言語治療師會利用不同的吞嚥練習和口腔運動練習來幫助患者加強吞嚥肌肉。電刺激也將用於刺激神經。 補償方面的目標是應用技巧來補償患者的弱點。言語治療師可以通過改變液體的稠度和體積,以及膳食的質地和大小來調整吞嚥困難患者的飲食。一些患者在吞嚥過程中需要改變姿勢以確保安全,例如下巴向下。最後,可以應用吞嚥動作來增加安全性,例如用力吞嚥,從而增加咽部的擠壓。


Further assessment may be needed for patients with previous medical history

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